Your homepage is almost certainly the most visited page of your entire website.
It is absolutely vital, therefore, that visitors instantly get it – they understand what’s on offer, how it will benefit them and why they need to get in touch with you now.
If visitors don’t immediately understand, they will be out of there like a rat up a drainpipe.
Most importantly, your homepage has to communicate the essence of your business – why your company does what it does.
If your response to ‘why’ you’re in business is: “To make a profit” – you’re way off base. Making a profit is purely a result of why you do what you do.
Take Tesla for example, if Elon Musk had said:
“We make electric cars. They’re better, quicker and more fun to drive than petrol or diesel cars. Please buy one.”
How many cars would the company have sold? It probably wouldn’t have got past first base.
Instead, Musk told the world why Tesla was in business:
“We really care about doing the right things. Our mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”
“We don’t advertise or pay for endorsements. Instead, we use that money to make great products. Electric vehicles, for example, that are better, quicker and more fun to drive than petrol or diesel vehicles.”
A subtle, but massive difference.
With this approach, Tesla had people queueing up to put down hefty deposits on cars that weren’t even available for 18 months or more!
Why? Because they believed in Musk’s dream of challenging the status quo and they wanted to be part of it.
And because Tesla sold a dream others wanted to be part of, the company is now able to sell not only cars but also trucks, solar panels and Powerwalls (rechargeable solar energy battery storage units).
Communicating Tesla’s ‘why’ resulted in people trusting it and becoming loyal to the brand.
So if you want to attract customers to your brand, tell them your unique story about why you’re in business.
With this approach you will appeal to people who share a similar vision and, if your products and services are good enough, they will be more than happy to sign up.
Below is the check-list to make sure your homepage appeals to your target market…