Your website is quite literally your window to the world.
The question is, are you making the most of it?
Your site might have an eye-catching design and be full of content that is really useful for prospective customers. If they can’t find your site, however, you might as well hang a sign on the homepage that says, “Closed for business.”
Making your website visible to those prospects that don’t know your business exists is vitally important if you want to grow and expand.
There are lots of tools you can use to become more visible, i.e. appear on the first page of the search engine results pages (SERPs).
The two most popular ways of achieving this are:
Google Ads and SEO work well together. The performance data of impressions, clicks, and conversions from a Google Ads Search campaign can provide great insight and direction on a keyword-by-keyword basis for where to prioritise your B2B SEO efforts.
On the flip side, organic traffic performance data and SEO strategy can also guide Google Ads campaigns.
If you haven’t tested a Google Ads campaign now is the time to do so; particularly if you have recently invested in designing and building a new website.
Failing to test Google Ads and SEO could mean that your not insignificant investment in a new website is, if not a waste of money, certainly one that doesn’t deliver a good return on investment.
As an SEO and PPC agency, we have an excellent track record of delivering results for clients with both PPC and SEO campaigns. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you get more return from your website, give Alan Myers a call on 0116 278 7788 or email: